When Beauty Works With Science

A combination of common to unique qualities that project an enchanting aesthetic sense most especially to the sight, this is what beauty means.
Now what does science mean? Or what comes into your mind when talking about science? Science is anything that involves intellectual activity or something that speaks of practicality that touches the systematic system of how something is being structured.
Now what if beauty and science cross paths? What would be the end result when beauty and science are to combine together and work as one? Well that gives one a tough question.
When science came in conjunction with beauty one of the end results is innovation. Yes, innovation in the sense that some so ordinary can be further enhance through science to let its really beauty show off. Science and beauty may be the best opponents in facts and at some point in subjectivity but when they work together they indeed promise good outcomes. Both can bring together advancement in science and technology and can further make both beauty and wellness something that people can easily and better access.
This is one reason why there are products nowadays that show how innovation has blended well with science. There are body procedures that an individual can undergo or products that utilize infrared heat, ultrasound waves, micro current massage or products having the same effects these procedures can give that will help deal, in a better way, the problems area affected by cellulites. While the solutions are being applied it also gives a deep and relaxing body massage that leads the skin to take in te vital nutrients it needs to stay healthy.
Ultrasound of medium frequency along with the product, made using the most powerful natural ingredients, works perfectly on the areas beneath the skin as it effectively lessens unsightly cellulites and its bothersome effect on the skin's appearance.
As for infrared heat's benefit to the skin, its helps rejuvenate the skin with it gentle heat and at the same time smoothness is being promoted with such.
The third one, which is the microcurrent massage therapy, uses a low voltage to stimulate the involuntary movements of the muscles responsible in making the skin firm and well-toned.
The company has indeed built an awesome working partnership between science and beauty through the many products they introduced to the market. Their products gave people an alternative means from costly beauty laser treatments.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8089935

10 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms

It's not just a saying that "... Being a mom is truly the most important and the most difficult job on earth." Moms are almost expected to be super-human: maintaining a home, cooking, homework, bathing and caring for little ones, caring for not-so-little ones (depending on how self-sufficient your husband is) and, very likely, going to work. It's no wonder most of us don't have time to get back our pre-baby bodies. When do you fit a workout (or even a shower for that matter) into that kind of schedule?
But, here's a little secret you might not know: if you manage to fit some exercise into your ultra-demanding schedule, it will get easier... not easy, being a mom is never easy, but it will make it easier to accomplish all the things you have to do in a day. One of the many benefits of getting fit is that it boosts your energy level. So here are 10 tips that might help you to fit working out into your schedule and to stick with it:
  • Work around your schedule. Don't reschedule your life to fit in a workout, schedule your workout to fit your life. If you can only workout 15 minutes on a given day, then get in that 15 minutes. Doing something is always going to benefit you more than doing nothing.

  • Do a workout that will give you the most benefits in the least amount of time. The workout that will do this for you is resistance training. Simply put, muscle burns fat - even at rest, a person with more muscle will burn more fat than a person with little muscle. This doesn't mean that you have to look like a body builder. A toned, healthy physique is the key.

  • Change it up. Workout boredom is one of the main reasons people quit working out. Get some variety in and don't repeat the same workout over and over again. Not only will your muscles adapt to it thus decreasing its effectiveness, but you won't stick to it if the thought of doing it bores you silly.

  • Make it fun. Blast some motivational tunes, dance and sing out loud between sets (okay, maybe not if you're working out at a gym), post some motivational posters in your workout space. Heck, give yourself some positive feedback. When you finish an especially hard set yell "I ROCK!!"

  • Workout with a buddy. Even if you can't work out together, having someone going through the process with you who is experiencing the same victories and difficulties is encouraging and will help you stick to it. If you don't have anyone willing to do it with you, join an online fitness group - there are many such groups on Facebook.

  • Get plenty of sleep. When you're sleepy, your body tends to crave food - trying to get that energy it needs to get through the day. I know as a mom getting a good night's sleep is easier said than done, but if you're looking to lose weightlack of sleep is one of your biggest enemies.

  • Find a motivator. It can really be anything; an event you'd like to attend and look stunning for, a person you want to impress, a pair of jeans you want to fit in. Find something that will drive you to reach your goal. If you can't think of anything, think of the positive example you'll be setting for your kids. Strong, healthy mothers are more likely to have strong, healthy kids.

  • Play with your kids. Don't knock the benefits of a good old game of tag. Getting active with your kids will make it easier for you to fit exercise into your day. It's really killing 2 birds with one stone - you get in a workout, they get playtime with their favorite person - you!

  • Find a sugar replacement. And no, I don't mean substitutes like aspartame (although there are some good natural replacements out there today such as xylitol), I mean reach for carrots and hummus instead of a cookie. Sugar is not only addictive, but can cause a plethora of health issues. It's not as hard as you would think to significantly reduce your intake and you will feel the benefits (and so will your waistline).

  • Don't listen to the negative voice in your head. Honestly, that little guy will try his darnedest to sabotage you. He's a liar. You are awesome. You have the hardest, most demanding job in the world and you do it every single day. YOU CAN DO THIS!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8093401

5 Foods That Fight Bloating And Leave You With a Flat Tummy

Bloating and passing gas is nothing to really worry about and you do not have to book an emergency appointment with the family doctor. However, this condition can be a very uncomfortable one and leave you feeling heavy all through the day.
Stomach bloating 5 Foods that Fight Bloating And Leave You With a Flat Tummy is caused by poor indigestion. When gas does not pass out naturally, they tend to build up in the intestines and stomach. Bloating is basically an excessive fluid retention entrapped in the digestive tract. This can cause abdominal pain in extreme cases.
If you want to fight bloating naturally, all you have to do is to eat foods that beat bloating and flatten your stomach. If you want to do this successfully, first you need to abstain from foods or drinks that commonly cause bloating symptoms. You need to avoid salty foods, alcohol, sugary drinks, carbonated beverages and raw veggies.
And then you need to indulge in foods that help fight bloating and ensure that you have a flattened stomach. Here are 5 foods that you should include in your food plans if you want to beat bloating and clean your system of gas or excessive fluids.
#1 Yoghurt
Yoghurt has high water content which is good for the body. This probiotic drink contains good bacteria that helps break down food and moderate the gas or fluids that accumulate inside the body. This helps to keep the digestive system in good stead and allows it function without hassles.
#2 Strawberries
Strawberries are great for fighting bloating 5 Foods that Fight Bloating And Leave You With a Flat Tummy and help promote digestion because of their high vitamin C content. You can add strawberries to your early morning oatmeal, lunchtime salads or use for dessert after dinner. Strawberries contain natural sugars so do not take them in excess because ironically they can cause stomach bloating too.
#3 Spinach
Spinach enhances the fibre content inside the body and helps us fight bloating. Spinach requires adequate chewing and this allows our bodies to ingest certain minerals and vitamins which help us combat acidic indigestion, urinary tract infections and constipation. Remember that spinach should be cooked properly and not eaten raw. You can also use spinach as a supplement for your daily meals to avoid getting bored easily.
#4 Pineapples
Pineapples contain plenty of water which is capable of flushing out excessive fluids or gas from the human body. Moreover, pineapples contain enzymes which helps facilitate the digestion of protein. Pineapples comprise of over 85% of water and contain bromelain which deals with complicated stomach problems or issues.
#5 Bran Cereals
Cereals are semi-solids and move through the intestines rapidly. And because it comprises of high fibre it fights constipation and bloating. Women need to ingest at least 25 grams of bran cereal every day. All it takes is to eat 5 grams with each serving and you keep your bloating problems at bay.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8094985
Bloating and passing gas is nothing to really worry about and you do not have to book an emergency appointment with the family doctor. However, this condition can be a very uncomfortable one and leave you feeling heavy all through the day.
Stomach bloating 5 Foods that Fight Bloating And Leave You With a Flat Tummy is caused by poor indigestion. When gas does not pass out naturally, they tend to build up in the intestines and stomach. Bloating is basically an excessive fluid retention entrapped in the digestive tract. This can cause abdominal pain in extreme cases.
If you want to fight bloating naturally, all you have to do is to eat foods that beat bloating and flatten your stomach. If you want to do this successfully, first you need to abstain from foods or drinks that commonly cause bloating symptoms. You need to avoid salty foods, alcohol, sugary drinks, carbonated beverages and raw veggies.
And then you need to indulge in foods that help fight bloating and ensure that you have a flattened stomach. Here are 5 foods that you should include in your food plans if you want to beat bloating and clean your system of gas or excessive fluids.
#1 Yoghurt
Yoghurt has high water content which is good for the body. This probiotic drink contains good bacteria that helps break down food and moderate the gas or fluids that accumulate inside the body. This helps to keep the digestive system in good stead and allows it function without hassles.
#2 Strawberries
Strawberries are great for fighting bloating 5 Foods that Fight Bloating And Leave You With a Flat Tummy and help promote digestion because of their high vitamin C content. You can add strawberries to your early morning oatmeal, lunchtime salads or use for dessert after dinner. Strawberries contain natural sugars so do not take them in excess because ironically they can cause stomach bloating too.
#3 Spinach
Spinach enhances the fibre content inside the body and helps us fight bloating. Spinach requires adequate chewing and this allows our bodies to ingest certain minerals and vitamins which help us combat acidic indigestion, urinary tract infections and constipation. Remember that spinach should be cooked properly and not eaten raw. You can also use spinach as a supplement for your daily meals to avoid getting bored easily.
#4 Pineapples
Pineapples contain plenty of water which is capable of flushing out excessive fluids or gas from the human body. Moreover, pineapples contain enzymes which helps facilitate the digestion of protein. Pineapples comprise of over 85% of water and contain bromelain which deals with complicated stomach problems or issues.
#5 Bran Cereals
Cereals are semi-solids and move through the intestines rapidly. And because it comprises of high fibre it fights constipation and bloating. Women need to ingest at least 25 grams of bran cereal every day. All it takes is to eat 5 grams with each serving and you keep your bloating problems at bay.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8094985

Yoga is Like Sex

Yoga is like sex. You can read about it, hear about it, and watch other people do it, but until you experience it first hand, yourself, you don't really get it. So what's the excitement all about? Why is yoga showing up everywhere from auto ads to executive meetings? Why are airlines presenting it to their passengers and why is it featured on Oprah? Kids are doing it in schools; buff athletes are doing it, even pregnant women and the wheelchair-bound. There must be something very seductive about yoga!
If you do yoga, you know that it's seductive. That delicious feeling of stretching from the inside out; that soothing sensation like warm honey flowing through energized limbs; and the "big payoff" at the end of a practice: floating away into the infinite. You can't access this in pictures, and yoga isn't a spectator sport. The real experience is only available to you if you actually do yoga.
Yoga is not just about the beautiful bodies of diehard yogis and yoginis, although fitness is definitely one of the major payoffs, yoga is a path to that illusive center we are all seeking...it's a path to inner peace. We're being drawn to yoga by the thousands because we need it; we crave what yoga offers and deeply need the body-mind-spirit connection we experience when we practice the 5000 year old art of yoga.
Increased strength and flexibility, relief from headaches, back problems, sleep troubles, and stress related issues; deep relaxation, feeling energized, powerful, peaceful and centered... Sounds good? These are only a few of the myriad benefits of a yoga practice. Life is so much easier when we feel comfortable in our bodies, relaxed in spirit and come from a peaceful place of power within. Our days become more enjoyable and more relaxed. Our relationships become deeper and more sensitive. The world seems to be more manageable and, rather than reactive, we become positively proactive.
Many people first come to yoga for physical reasons. They want to find relief from back pain or they want to lose weight. They see the external benefits of a yoga practice, but like sex, the internal experience is what keeps them coming back for more.
"This all sounds good," you say, "but I haven't bent forward and touched the floor since I was 12. Sure, seems like a good thing to try, but I haven't exercised since high school! I'd be embarrassed to be seen in those tight yoga clothes... or worse, in a yoga class. I'd make a fool out of myself!" I've heard it all... and there's always a way. Don't allow your chattering mind or your fragile ego to keep you from discovering the treasures you'll find through yoga. Yoga is accessible to everybody. All you need to do is make a decision to go for it.
Regardless of your physical ability, yoga can be adapted to be accessible to you. If you are physically challenged, you can do yoga seated in a chair. Even those who are bedridden can do yoga and we can all benefit greatly from "pranayama," the yoga of the breath.
Too busy? Weave it into your day with seated stretches at your computer, in the airplane, or while standing in line at the bank. Yoga can be subtle, internal and powerful. As you might suspect, I never take "No" for an answer. There's always a way to do yoga.
Here are a few tips to ease your entry into the world of yoga:
The first step is commitment. My first yoga class was a rude wake-up call. Every injury I'd ever had was talking to me. I thought I was in pretty good shape at 44, but my body's ability to do those poses was beyond discouraging... I hated it. There was voice inside my head that screamed, "Get me outta here!" But there was a more persistent little voice inside of me that said, "You don't have to like this, just do it." I knew, on some level, that I'd be really sorry if I quit so I made a deal with myself to keep going back to yoga class twice a week for a month. No judgments, no analyzing, no deciding "like it or not." So I pre-paid the classes and took my body to yoga class. After that month, I was hooked. I highly recommend this approach... It changed my life.
Once you get yourself into yoga class, the next biggest challenge is self-acceptance. A yoga teacher of mine once said, "Begin where you are and stay there." Wise words, and a big relief! After all, there's no other place to start than by accepting ourselves right where we are and realizing that we'll never be exactly there again. Every yoga practice is different because we are different, day-to-day, and minute-to-minute. One of the basic lessons we learn from a yoga practice is not to judge ourselves. For most of us, that's a hard one. Our culture trains us to be competitive. We want to compare ourselves with each other, with the teacher, and especially with our image of what we think we should be able to do. If you want to enjoy your yoga practice, judge not! Watch yourself from the inside; explore the sensations and the new feelings. Experience yourself from the inside out.
Another big hurdle is overcoming the goal-oriented, "Type A" personality approach to yoga; the attitude that the body must conform to perfection and each pose must be the textbook ideal. Give it up! Not a good idea for a number of reasons. First, no body does perfect poses. Not even the teacher, even though you may think so initially. There is no perfect pose. Yoga is a process, not a goal. The perfect pose for your body is different from the perfect pose for my body, or for any other body. The pose that is most integrated and balanced, that give you the best stretch and honors your body's limits... that is your perfect pose.
Secondly, yoga is a process of unfoldment. The symbol of yoga is the Thousand Petaled Lotus that keeps opening its petals deeper and deeper toward its center. Every time you do a pose, it will be a bit different, you'll do it at a different level and from a different place within yourself. Allow for those changes and patiently let yoga bring you to deeper levels of each pose as time goes on. After a while you'll discover that the real yoga isn't about the external form of the poses, it's about how you move the energy in your body to create them from the inside out.
And third, honor your body. It's not about pushing to your limit in every pose. You'll really regret that the next day! Yoga shouldn't hurt, and it's an inside job as to whether or not you'll experience pleasure or pain. You are in control here. The teacher talks, you do the yoga with your body. Just as we resist psychologically when we get pushed too far too fast (Oh yeah? Just try to make me!), our bodies resist as well. So honor your body's limits, don't push; allow, breathe and soften into the poses.
Keep in mind that there are as many different forms of Hatha Yoga (the physical path of yoga) as there are yoga teachers. Every teacher has a unique teaching style, approach and attitude, even if they have been trained in the same yoga lineage. It's important to shop around for a teacher who is well trained and one who inspires you. Find the teacher that suits your style and don't be afraid to go to different classes and change teachers as you develop your yoga practice.
Yoga is an amazing journey of self-discovery. The way you approach your yoga practice is a microcosm of the way you approach your life. It's a truthful mirror, a deep learning and exploration into the depths of the soul. I wish you blessings on your yoga path and light in your journey back to your most beautiful, authentic self.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/79522

Give Old Muscles A New Lease Of Life

Do you feel tense? Maybe you feel tight across the upper back between the shoulder blades, or perhaps it's more of a stiff lower back, hips and legs.
Tight muscles create numerous problems throughout the body from aches and pain to reduced oxygen and blood flow to the tight area.
Soft tissue is an area I have been studying for a very long time.
Today I will share some of my experience and offer you my top solutions to help you reduce the amount of tension you may have in your body, we will discuss something called FASCIA.
My opinion - after working with soft tissue all these years is there is ONE big trend and commonality amongst the people who come to see me to get their deep tissue massage, who are not involved with sport...
I call these people "desk jockeys" as they are in a jockey like position when staring at the screen to do their work.
The trouble with being a desk jockey is the amount of time you spend seated
Modern humans apparently evolved from chimps and over time learned to stand up straight and walk. The next big change in our evolution (if you ask me) was when we started to sit down for over 80-90% of our time!
It's happened in the last couple of generations with the popularity of computers, TV and the internet.
Think of it like this, you get up in the morning and drive to work, then you sit down at your desk all day, get back in the car, get home and you guessed it - sit down some more to watch TV or use the computer.
If you counted how many hours you are awake and how many hours you spend seated, you may find the figure well over 90%.
From a soft tissue point of view, being in the seated position does lots of negative things to your posture and the bio mechanics of your body.
Firstly when you sit down your abdominal muscles switch off and secondly as your chin drops, your shoulders round forward, leaving you sat in a "C" shaped position, as oppose to nice and upright.
In addition to this the nature of the work on a computer is repetitive and promotes the same muscles(the tiny ones) to do lots of work and the bigger muscles switch off, and do no work.
Without getting into it too much, this little scenario causes the buttocks (hip flexors) and the shoulders (rotator cuff and chest) areas of the body to tighten up and become stiff, more specifically your muscles and fascial tissue tighten up.
Causing big problems such as:
Muscle Pain
Muscle and Joint Stiffness
Loss of movement
Tension Headaches
Poor circulation
Lower back pain
Neck and shoulder pain
Your poorly functioning fascial tissue may be severely holding you back in life!
What is Fascia?
Fascia (or Myofascia) is a structure of connective tissue that surrounds most of the important parts of our body. It covers muscles, blood vessels and nerves. It's strong, slippery and wet. Fascia helps to bind some structures together whilst also allowing other structures to slide smoothly over each other.
There are several different types of fascia; superficial fascia which lies closer to the surface, deep fascia and visceral fascia. Fascia are flexible structures which are able to resist great unidirectional tension forces until the wavy pattern of fibres has been straightened out by the pulling forces.
Fascia is similar to ligaments and tendons due to the fact they are all made of collagen. It protects every single muscle in your body so you can see how important it is.
For clarity, the term myofascial refers collectively to the fascia tissue and the muscle. Together, the muscle and fascia form the myofascial system. When I say fascia I will mean myofascial system.
Poor Fascia Limits Normal Function!
If your fascial tissue is tight it can really negatively affect your body and the way it functions. Your flexibility and even your ability to move freely will suffer and simple tasks will seem difficult. You will feel week, stiff, in pain and your range of motion will be severely limited. You will feel old before your time.
Many Office Workers Have Stiff Bodies
The sad fact is that so many of the British population suffer from poorly functioning fascial tissue due to their seated lifestyle. There are so many jobs out there which literally mean you sit down for 40 hours+ a week, this is no good what so ever for your bodies.
These restrictions of the fascia caused by lack of movement cause the body to be pulled out of alignment which leads to bad posture.
This means a biomechanically inefficient body which uses loads of energy for just the simplest of tasks.
This means that these people will have limited energy for other activities which means when they get home after sitting down for 8 hours they will only have the energy to sit down again! A very vicious cycle which can be hard to get out of.
For those people who do manage to drag themselves to the gym can experience constant pain because their body isn't able to function well enough to exercise at a high intensity. So exercising could actually make it worse on some occasions.
A study by Schleip (2007) found that pain felt in specific areas of the body can often be related back to having adhesions in the fascial tissue.
Knots, Adhesion's & Trigger Points
Adhesions can also be often referred to as knots and knots can also be referred to as "trigger points". Trigger points can be active or inactive, like volcanoes, active ones cause more trouble. Don't worry about these different terms for now.
Knots are basically areas of the body which get regular stress or micro trauma (for example using a mouse all day every day for years). Micro trauma causes small amounts of scar tissue to be created and over time it causes adhesions or knots to form on or between the muscle fibers.
(*imagination time*) When I explain this to clients I usually do it like this.
Think of fascia like this... Imagine a towel, spread out flat, then imagine pinching the middle of the towel with your thumb and forefinger and twisting it. It would create a twist in the middle of the towel and ridges and diagonal lines which radiate outwards. That is what your fascia is like with a knot or trigger point in it. The towel is the fascia and the twist is the knot.
Now stay with me here...
If you were to use the same analogy with the twisted towel. Then SMR or sports massage would "rub" or take the twist out of the towel and make it nice and flat, smooth and even again. SMR is like ironing out the creases in your body.
Solutions to Poorly Functioning Fascial Tissue
A very effective way of healing and improving the function of your fascial tissue is through something called Self Myofascial Release, also known as SMR.
Self Myofascial Release is the process of massaging yourself. There are several SMR techniques that you can use to great effect including foam rolling, acupressure balls, medicine ball work, yoga and self massage.
How Does SMR Work?
The SMR tools I use the most is a foam roller and acupressure balls. I either integrate it into the start or end of my training sessions or I will do it on a rest day.
I find this is great on a rest day as you feel like you've done something but still get a good rest from exercise.
Foam rollers come in different types, sizes and densities.
Performing SMR on a rest day is also great for your recovery and will get your body and mind ready for your next exercise session.
The foam roller effectively does the work that a massage therapist does. A foam roller is a cylindrical (can also get 1/2 rollers) exercise tool which is easy to carry around and use.
I have found that acupressure balls are effective too. They are little balls that are pretty cheap to buy.
Rolling these on your hands, feet and other problem areas of the body helps to increase circulation, flexibility, lymph drainage and helping to relieve muscle stiffness and fatigue.
In order for your muscles to work at peak efficiency then your fascial tissue needs to be functioning correctly. SMR techniques help to smooth out all of the dysfunctions in your fascial tissue which dramatically improves muscle performance.
How Should It Feel?
Find the spot where the knot or trigger point is and stay on that area and work very little circles or back and forth motion, right on the sore spot. Sometimes you may feel referred pain (pain in an area you're not working), for example when working the hip flexor you may get referred pain down the leg when you hit a certain spot, this may be an "active" trigger point, it's a good idea to give it some attention to try to "deactivate" it.
If you don't improve the performance of your fascial tissue then you will be seriously held back.
It'll be like walking around all day with a heavy rucksack on, every single task you do will be more difficult than it should be, eventually leading to pain in the entire body.
This will give a lot of people the excuse to do less and live an inactive lifestyle which is no good for your health.
Neglecting SMR will mean that you aren't able to function as well as you could.
If you Can't be bothered to do it yourself? Just get a sports massage, they will do it all for you. Get a well qualified sports massage therapist with experience in trigger point massage and myofascial release.
Benefits of SMR
One benefit of SMR is you don't need to pay for a sports massage session so often!
Using SMR techniques with a foam roller and acupressure balls can do a lot of the work that would be done in a sports massage session. You could book in for a sports massage session every now and then when you need a bit more intricate, deep work.
So £10-20 is a good investment in a foam roller and a set of acupressure balls.
Another major benefit of SMR is you can do it in the comfort of your own home. It can be incredibly relaxing to have a hot bath, dim the lights, put on some relaxing music and spend 20-30 minutes of SMR (stretching, yoga, deep breathing and foam rolling is what I do).
You will feel great after it. I've found since doing this that my concentration as well as my energy levels have improved so much.
It has training benefits as well. SMR techniques can help to heal old injuries, strengthen your body to resist potential new injuries and improve your body's ability to run, jump, lift, throw, pretty much everything!
SMR will help to fix all of your current fascial tissue problems, heal the old adhesion (knots) and problem areas, correct muscle imbalances, improve joint range of motion and help to create an environment in which your body can operate at its best.
It will allow you to train to your full potential and recover quicker.
I've suffered with injuries, aches and pains in the past and since I've been doing this all of the little niggles have gone away and I've been given a new lease of life with my training, it's seriously great and I have recommended it to all of my clients and now you too as well can benefit.
My strength has improved, flexibility has massively increased and I've noticed that yard of pace I thought I'd lost has come back!
Like I've said, as well as physical benefits it has mental benefits too. It helps to energise my mind as well as my body. My concentration levels have improved which has helped to improve my business and I'm able to think much clearer and think of great new business ideas and use my time much better.
Who else is SMR good for?
The people who would benefit from SMR the most are:
Desk jockeys (people who sit behind a computer all day e.g. office workers) - Chest, shoulders, neck and back problems are often associated with office workers. SMR will be extremely effective at loosening these tight muscles and improving posture.
Runners and endurance athletes - SMR is good for runners to keep their structural integrity intact. SMR will help to reduce any inflammation caused by the constant wear and tear associated with running. Spending 5-10 minutes before and after a run is good.
Sports people/athletes - SMR is beneficial for sports people and athletes for similar reasons mentioned for runners and endurance athletes. Sports people put their body through a lot so SMR will be great for recovery and to allow the body to cope with all of the work. I mentioned earlier that properly functioning fascia results in the person being able to run faster, lift more, throw harder and jump higher, these are essential in all sports.
These discoveries and research in the field of fascia are relatively new. It is only in the past 6-7 years have people began taking note of how poor functioning fascia can negatively affect people's lives. It is likely that the majority of people who suffer from pain in their bodies are suffering from poor fascial tissue functioning, but because not many people know about it then it is blamed on other things.
So please take on board what I have said today and utilise the solutions I have suggested, especially if you fall into the category of office workers or someone who trains lots. It will make a huge difference to how your body functions and it will literally feel like a whole weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Thanks for reading,
Schleip R et al. Ligament subfailure injuries lead to muscle control dysfunction" (M. Panjabi). European Spine Journal 2007; 16: 1733-1735)
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Thanks for reading.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8084721

3 Reasons Why Physical Therapy Is Important to a Sports Injury Recovery

Swelling, pain and loss of motion are common complaints following a sports injury. In order to regain post-injury levels, movement is extremely important. The experts in body movements are physical therapists who are trained to conduct specific exercises and stretches meant for aiding recovery to a specific part of the body. So, what are some reasons why physical therapy is important to a sports injury recovery?
Identification of deficiencies
Physical therapists are the ones who conduct each physical therapy session and they are trained to identify deficiencies in the biomechanics of our body. Just by looking at how to body work will help them to know which part needs help. Therapists are also able to prescribe exercises which are helpful post surgery and help to ensure a fast recovery.
Increase range of motion
Post injury or surgery, the range of motion in that particular joint is extremely limited due to swelling and scarring. There will also be severe pain and the lack of ability to fully use the joint. As a result, exercises are required to be performed in order to overcome it. Physical therapy will help by ensuring a gradual increase in the intensity of exercises, helping to move your joints as much as possible without increasing much pain. It also helps to restore joint movements and strengthen the surrounding muscles.
Inhibit scar tissues formation
One of the side effects post surgery is the formation of scar tissues. However, scar tissues are undesirable due to various reasons such as cosmetic appearances, impediment of motion and as a source of discomfort. Scar tissues are usually darker in colour and their sizes depend on the depth of the wound. This can cause women to feel inferior and lose self confidence. Also, scar tissues are thicker and harder than normal tissues and this can impede motion especially if the scarring is at the joints. Being thicker and harder, it also presses down on other tissues, causing pain and lead to a higher chance of re-injury. Physical therapy starts early and this helps to reduce and inhibit the formation of scar tissues, lessening the chances of those effects mentioned above.
Physical therapy is an important part of the healing process. It actually starts before surgery and lasts all the way until around a year later. It helps to strengthen the muscles around the injury to help better support it and regain the range of motion after surgery.
We introduce you Singapore Sports and Orthopaedics Clinic where professional help will be offered in the areas of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for all spine injuries and sports injuries.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8080968

Dieting To Lose Weight:The Epic Saga Continues

Dieting to lose weight is just as hard or as easy as changing the habit. One way to look at this is to see how the habit formed. Habits do not take place overnight. It is an accumulation of little things done over a course of time until the effect sets in.
Likewise, dieting to be really effective has to be gradual. So for now, stay off the crash dieting, fast reducing and fast fat burning menus, pills and concoctions. It may guarantee to reduce your weight but not your nutrition and well-being. True there are specific foods and food preparations that benefits particular health and weight issues. True also that fast reducing concoctions and food preparations are prepared not to really make you enjoy the simple pleasures of life like a good meal but for you to endure it. It is so easy to agree that there are hard rules to observe in order to lose weight fast without suffering and insure good nutrition in the process too. It is so politically correct to mention that all the so-called weight-reducing products do wonders for the body. Being politically correct though is not being honest.
The fact is everyone has claims, but nothing is officially proven in the entire area of dieting to lose weight. Not one fast weight loss program is endorsed by a credible health organization. The best that is said is that a certain product is under study, is under weighty consideration, or is still waiting laboratory confirmation. Until then, stay off it but here are things that you can do to regain your ideal weight while being kind to your body in the process.
Decide now
Make small changes in your attitude to food. The little changes you make now will spell a lot of weight and nutrition problems later. Look at it as an investment. Treat it as a way of loving yourself. It is like this. If we want for example to prepare for retirement, we start saving early. The earlier we start the better and the longer the lead-time we have to save. The more we save the better we enjoy. Likewise, reducing the amount of food that we eat today, no matter how small the portions are, when done overtime will ultimately be the difference between being obese or fit. It will spell the difference between being healthy or ill and between being fashionable or waddling in oversized clothes. Changing the eating habit cannot be put off for long because the longer it takes for a person to take resolve, the harder the effort to make the resolve becomes.
Eat well
Every food has its purpose. Food in any region did not just happen. It is there for the people to enjoy and to take the right and balanced nourishment. It is the choices, the preferences, and the current activity that limits the nourishment provided to the body. So eat well. Get nutrition from all the six food groups and do it regularly. The main reason that there is too much noise regarding overweight is not because there is fat, sodium, and sugar in the meal. It is because today, 150 million people are obese because they eat more than three times the required daily intake of fat and calories.
Pump Iron
Dieting to lose weight is not complete when not coupled with exercises. While eating the right foods in the right proportion, exercise. It will help to distribute the correct nourishment to the targeted areas in the body.
And then you enjoy, live well, feel good, and look good.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8073172
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